Contact a Practitioners.
Joe FordeCentre Manager and Clinical Hypnotherapist.
Joe is the Centre Manager and also provides a range of treatments and workshops using modalities which include Clinical Hypnotherapy, Neuro-linguistic Programming, Quantum Thinking Technologies, Sound Therapy, and Energy Treatments.
Phone: 087 9454546
Tatjana SimakovaPsychotherapist and Counselling using Art Therapy
Tatjana has a BA in Counselling Skills and Psychotherapy and she also holds a Certificate in Principles of Art Therapy. Tatjana provides Mindfulness Through Art Workshops, one-to-one and online psychotherapy available in English, Russian, and Lithuanian languages.
Phone: 085 281 9849
Phone: 085 281 9849

Laura RichardsonHolistic Massage Therapist and a Homeopath Practitioner.
Laura is a Holistic Massage Therapist and a Homeopath Practitioner, Luara is also a teacher of the Form Reality Practice and she provides talks and workshops in different wellness topic such as Homeopathy and creating Vision Board for Manifestation.
Phone: 0866090337
Maureen Grogan Reflexologist, IET and Massage Therapist.
Maureen Provides a wide range of holistic treatments which include Reflexology, Facial Reflexology, Award-Winning Zone Facelift, Lymphatic Drainage Reflexology, Integrated Energy Therapy, Fertility, Maternity, and Baby Reflexology, Facial Cupping, Ear Candling, Release of Trapped Emotions & Chakra Balancing.
Phone: 0879610242
Hannah O’ Connell. Practitioner of Traditional Chinese Medicine specializing in Acupuncture.
Hannah is a fully qualified practitioner of Traditional Chinese Medicine specializing in Acupuncture. Graduating from the Irish College of Traditional Chinese Medicine (ICTCM), Hannah uses acupuncture, moxibustion, Gua Sha and lifestyle and dietary advice.
Phone: 086 777 7897
Rainer PuehringerAmatsu Practitioner and Qigong Master & Teacher.
Rainer is Amatsu Practitioner and Qigong Master providing treatments to help with injury and body realignment. Rainer provides classes in the Yuan Gong system on a weekly basis and also provides workshops on meditation, Qigong and organic food preparation for harnessing your energy.
Phone: 0852896636
Smaranda Maier Authentic Health
Fuelled by a profound passion for holistic healing and wellbeing, Smaranda founded Authentic Health with the ambition of guiding individuals on a transformative journey towards their genuine selves. Recognising that every individual has distinct needs, Smaranda tailors her approach to wellbeing, ensuring that each client receives the most bespoke and authentic care.
Marrying traditional wisdom with evidence-based practices, Smaranda has assisted countless individuals in finding balance, vigour, and vitality in their lives. As a certified positive psychology and nutrition coach, she offers her clients a comprehensive path to physical and mental wellbeing.
Always committed to her professional development, Smaranda regularly updates her knowledge, ensuring she’s aligned with the latest advancements in health practices.
To arrange a session with Smaranda or to learn more about her approach to health,
or Phone: 083 0306360
Marrying traditional wisdom with evidence-based practices, Smaranda has assisted countless individuals in finding balance, vigour, and vitality in their lives. As a certified positive psychology and nutrition coach, she offers her clients a comprehensive path to physical and mental wellbeing.
Always committed to her professional development, Smaranda regularly updates her knowledge, ensuring she’s aligned with the latest advancements in health practices.
To arrange a session with Smaranda or to learn more about her approach to health,
or Phone: 083 0306360

Teresa Peters.BioEnergy Healer, Reiki Master, Chakra Dancing And Creative Meditation Teacher.
Teresa is an Intuitive BioEnergy Healer, Reiki Master, Chakra Dancing And Creative Meditation Teacher. She has been working in the Healing Arts for over 10 years & offers intuitive healing through her BioEnergy work that is profoundly life-changing & offers deep healing.
Phone: 0851104741
Phone: 0851104741
David Mc DonaghDietician, fitness trainer specialised in weight loss.
David is a qualified dietician, fitness trainer and fitness lecturer who has specialised in weight loss for over 15 years. He is nutrition and fitness expert for 4FM radio and a regular contributor to Woman’s Way. David has been awarded National Entrepreneur of the Year for his work in weight loss, health, and fitness.
Phone: 0878313567
Phone: 0878313567
Mary O’ HalloranBio-Energy, Ancestral & Cellular healing & Rahanni Celestial Healing Practitioner.
Mary offer’s a variety of therapies, Bio-Energy, Ancestral & Cellular Memory Healing, Stress Management, IET, Light Therapy, Rahanni Celestial Healing, and Sacred Site Tours and Retreats all over Ireland and in Malta, Glastonbury, Iona, and Mount Shasta.
Phone: 0872830950
Phone: 0872830950